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Slick 6300 Parts


Slick 6300 Parts

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Description 6310 6314 6320 6324 6331 6340 6350 6351 6355 6360
Cotter pin M2556 M2556 M2556 M2556 M2556 M2556 M2556 M2556 M2556 M2556
Nut, Impulse Coupling M3019 M3019 M3019 M3019 M3019 M3019 M3019 M3019 M3019 M3019
Washer, Impulse
Coupling M3172 M3172 M3172 M3172 - - - - - -
Impulse Coupling Ass. M3050 - M3050 - - - - - - -
Oil Seal M3062 M3062 M3062 M3062 - - - - - -
Pressure Vent Plug - - M3179 M3179 M3179 M3179 - - - M3179
Air Vent M1077 M1077 - - - - M1077 M1077 M1077 -
Frame M3837 - M3837 - - M3900 M3900 - - M3900
Gasket Pressure Kit - - K3307 K3307 K3307 K3307 - - - K3307
Ball Bearing M3006 M3006 M3006 M3006 M3006 M3006 M3006 M3006 M3006 M3006
Rotor M3047 - M3047 - - - - - - -
Bearing Cap Assembly - - - - - - - - - -
Bearing Cap Clamp M3018 M3018 M3018 M3018 M3018 M3018 M3018 M3018 M3018 M3018
Screw M3221 M3221 M3221 M3221 M3221 M3221 M3221 M3221 M3221 M3221
Contact Pt. Kit-Primary M3081 M3081 M3081 M3081 M3081 M3081 M3081 M3081 M3081 M3081
Contact Pt. Kit-Second. - - - - - - - - - -
Rotor Gear M3828 M3828 M3828 M3828 M3828 M3828 M3828 M3828 M3828 M3828
Woodruff Key M2536 M2536 M2536 M2536 M2536 M2536 M2536 M2536 M2536 M2536
Coil Wedge M3040 M3040 M3040 M3040 M3040 M3040 M3040 M3040 M3040 M3040
Screw - - - - - - - - - -
Coil** (see below) M3975 M3975 M3975 M3975 M3975 M3975 M3975 M3975 M3975 M3975
Screw M2555 M2555 - - - - M2555 M2555 M2555 -
Adapter - - - - - - - - - -
Screw - - - - - - - - - -
Pressure Tube Fitting - - M3180 M3180 M1280 M1280 - - - M1280
Air Vent with Hood M3084 M3084 - - - - M3084 M3084 M3084 -
Screw M3015 M3015 - - - - M3015 M3015 M3015 -
Housing, Distributor M3902 M3902 M3902 M3902 M3902 M3902 M3902 M3902 M3902 M3902
Condenser M3183 M3183 M3183 M3183 M3183 M3183 M3183 M3183 M3183 M3183
Distributor Block &
Gear Assembly K3823 K3823 K3823 K3823 K3823 K3823 K3823 K3823 K3823 K3823
Washer M2532 M2532 - - - - M2532 M2532 M2532 -
Bearing Kit K3320 K3320 K3320 K3320 K3319 K3319 K3319 K3319 K3319 K3319
Carbon Brush M3215 M3215 M3215 M3215 M3215 M3215 M3215 M3215 M3215 M3215
Screw M3021 M3021 M3021 M3021 M3021 M3021 M3021 M3021 M3021 M3021
Spacer M3826 M3826 M3826 M3826 M3826 M3826 M3826 M3826 M3826 M3826

Description 6361 6362 6363 6364 6365 6367 6371 6380 6382 6390
Cotter pin M2556 M2556 M2556 M2556 M2556 M2556 M2556 M2556 M2556 M2556
Nut, Impulse Coupling M3019 M3019 M3019 M3019 M3492 M3019 M3492 M3019 M3019 M3019
Washer, Impulse
Coupling - - M3172 - - - - - M3172 M3172
Impulse Coupling Ass. - M3050 - - - - - M3050 M3050 -
Oil Seal - M3062 - M3062 - M3062 - M3062 M3062 -
Pressure Vent Plug M3179 - M3179 - M3179 - - - - -
Air Vent - M1077 - M1077 - M1077 M1077 M1968 M1968 M1077
Frame - M3837 M3900 - M3900 - M3900 - - M3900
Gasket Pressure Kit K3307 - K3307 - K3307 - - - - -
Ball Bearing M3006 M3006 M3006 M3006 M3006 M3006 M3006 M3006 M3006 M3006
Rotor - M3047 - - - - - M3047 M3047 -
Bearing Cap Assembly - - - - - - - - - -
Bearing Cap Clamp M3018 M3018 M3018 M3018 M3018 M3018 M3018 M3018 M3018 M3018
Screw M3221 M3221 M3221 M3221 M3221 M3221 M3221 M3221 M3221 M3221
Contact Pt. Kit-Primary M3081 M3081 M3637 M3081 M3637 M3081 M3637 M3081 M3081 M3637
Contact Pt. Kit-Second. - - M3637 - M3637 - M3637 - - -
Rotor Gear M3828 M3828 M3828 M3828 M3828 M3828 M3828 M3828 M3828 M3828
Woodruff Key M2536 M2536 M2536 M2536 M2536 M2536 M2536 M2536 M2536 M2536
Coil Wedge M3040 M3040 M3040 M3040 M3040 M3040 M3040 M3040 M3040 M3040
Screw - - - - - - - - - -
Coil** (see below) M3975 M3975 M3975 M3975 M3975 M3975 M3975 M3975 M3975 M3975
Screw - M2555 - M2555 - M2555 M2555 M2555 M2555 M2555
Adapter - - M3154 - - - - - - M3154
Screw - M3125 - - - - - - M3125 -
Pressure Tube Fitting M1280 - M1280 - M1280 - - - - -
Air Vent with Hood - M3084 - M3084 - M3084 M3084 M3084 M3084 M3084
Screw - M3015 - M3015 - M3015 M3015 M3015 M3015 M3015
Housing, Distributor M3902 M3902 - M3902 - M3902 - M3902 M3902 -
Condenser M3183 M3183 M3183 M3183 M3183 M3183 M3183 M3183 M3183 M3183
Distributor Block &
Gear Assembly K3823 K3823 K3823 K3823 K3823 K3823 K3823 K3823 K3823 K3823
Washer - M2532 - M2532 - M2532 M2532 M2532 M2532 M2532
Bearing Kit K3319 K3320 K3302 K3320 K3302 K3320 K3302 K3320 K3320 K3302
Carbon Brush M3215 M3215 M3215 M3215 M3215 M3215 M3215 M3215 M3215 M3215
Screw M3021 M3021 M3021 M3021 M3021 M3021 M3021 M3021 M3021 M3021
Spacer M3826 M3826 M3826 M3826 M3826 M3826 M3826 M3826 M3826 M3826

= Available in 2 days
= Available in 3-10 days
= Available in 11 days
= Unknown (3 weeks or more)
M2556SLICK M2556 COTTER PIN9.69 EURplease call
M3019SLICK NUT M3019 IMP COUPLING18.21 EURplease call
M3172SLICK M3172 WASHER20.33 EURDelivery in 11 days
M3050SLICK MAG IMPULSE COUPL ASSY1073.69 EURDelivery in 11 days
SLICK OIL SEAL M3062M3062SLICK OIL SEAL M306239.13 EURDelivery in 11 days
08-00274K3179 Pressure Vent Plug23.63 EURplease call
M1077 Slick Air Vent07-01260M1077 Slick Air Vent20.33 EURDelivery in 11 days
08-00275Slick Magneto Frame M38371022.88 EURplease call
08-00271Slick Magneto Frame M3900923.33 EURplease call
08-00277K3307 Gasket Pressure Kit268.54 EURDelivery in 11 days
M3006M3006 BALL BEARING120.21 EURDelivery in 11 days
08-00278Slick Rotor M3047879.64 EURplease call
M3018SLICK M3018 BEARING PLATE CLAMP5.49 EURDelivery in 11 days
M3221SLICK M3221 SCREW BEARING CAP42.98 EURplease call
08-00273Slick M3637 Contact Kit288.27 EURplease call
M3828SLICK MAG ROTOR GEAR M382834.09 EURDelivery in 11 days
M2536SLICK M2536 WOODRUFF KEY EA9.72 EURDelivery in 11 days
M2555SLICK MAG SCREW M25554.66 EURDelivery in 11 days
08-03721K3154 SLICK CAP ADAPTER155.83 EURDelivery in 11 days
Slick M3125 Screw08-00281Slick M3125 Screw6.79 EURplease call
M3180 Pressure Tube Fitting08-00280M3180 Pressure Tube Fitting52.67 EURplease call
M3084 SLICK AIR VENT W/ HOODM3084M3084 SLICK AIR VENT W/ HOOD58.46 EURDelivery in 11 days
M3902SLICK MAG HOUSING DIST M3902440.56 EURplease call
SLICK CONDENSER M3183 / K3984M3183SLICK CONDENSER M3183 / K3984367.51 EURplease call
08-07072Slick K3823 Block & Gear Assembly1206.12 EURDelivery in 11 days
M2532SLICK M2532 WASHER2.26 EURDelivery in 11 days
K3320 Bearing Kit08-00282K3320 Bearing Kit656.15 EURplease call
SLICK CARBON BRUSH K3215M3215SLICK CARBON BRUSH K321539.27 EURDelivery in 2 days
M3021SLICK M3021 SCREW3.75 EURDelivery in 2 days
08-03826M3826-10 Slick Magneto Spacer11.09 EURplease call
Slick Coil K397508-03723Slick Coil K39751152.38 EURplease call
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